Hair Vitamin Oil

Good nutrition is the secret to beautiful hair, skin and nails and depends on the foods we consume. Furthermore, our bodies need adequate sleep and rest. Hydration is paramount to good nourishment for hair, skin and nails as water carries the nourishment and essential trace minerals. It hydrates skin, nail and hair matrices thus improving cell growth and growth. Drink 8 to 11 glasses of water every day - water purity is very important and spring water has minerals that are beneficial to the body. The body converts the energy obtained from sunlight into vitamin D and also adequate exposure to sun on a regular basis is essential, while protecting against UVB and UVA radiation. 

A diet high in amino acids, vital fatty acids, minerals and vitamins is essential for adequate nourishment - research demonstrates that diets high in animal fats affect negatively on growth and development of hair, skin and nails. These unhealthy fats stimulate the body's sebaceous glands for exude additional oils that increases oil from the hair, clog pores and spreads dirt. It was widely believed that gelatin improved nail strength however this was disproved. Hair, nails and skin consist mainly of protein and therefore adequate levels of protein has to be consumed. The Dietary Association says that the vast majority of People in America consume excessive quantities of protein daily. 

The problem, however, isn't protein deficiency, but rather deficiency of vitamins and minerals found in fruits and veggies - not enough is included in every day diets. Some deficiencies can be E vitamin, A Vitamin, Iodine, B vitamins, Iron, Zinc and Niacin, all of that are found in fruits and veggies. Pill supplements for poor diets help, but they don't replace raw veggies, fruits and seeds that provide the right combination of vitamins and minerals required by the body. Even though scientists and researchers strive to invent the perfect pill supplement they're unable to match nature's creations. Many physicians and experts agree which a diet has to consist of at least 50% fresh fruits and veggies which helps maintain healthful weight levels and getting extra nutrition. 

Diets should include foods such as broccoli, onions, sea veggies and fish and also those rich from one of the B vitamins and biotin. We need omega - 3 and omega-6 fats you'll find omega-6 oils present in oil and baked products. Good sources of those fats are flaxseed, mackerel and salmon. Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales Marketing executive. 2 years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told which she'd 4th stage cancer. Since that time, Bob and Joanne have dedicated all their energy to help her in maintaining a top quality of life.